
Happy New Year!

  I have been so sick this winter!  Living in Utah, the inversion has been causing respiratory problems for most of us in the valley and I keep picking up viruses.  But I figure, as it is now March, I should probably post some photos form the beginning of the year.  Here's the New Year's party from the Keys on Main dueling piano show!



















And everyone's favorite bartender, Benny.








This is what the place looks like at midnight:


...aaaaaand this is what it looked like after the party.



CLICK HERE to see the whole gallery from that night


Happy New Year everyone!!









Details, Dancing & Departures

Brittany had the cutest shoes!  Both she and Jordan were wearing vans for their wedding day, and a close friend of Brittany's hand-glued all of these sequins onto her shoes.


Brittany and Jordan hired Goodwood Barbeque to cater the reception.  As a Texan, where bbq is a recognized religion, I definitely though it was a great choice!

Brian Harper, MLB pitcher Chicago Cubs, leading the dancing

With dancing at receptions, it can be hit or miss.  Sometimes you don't get very much, sometimes you only get the obligatory tradition dances, and sometimes the wedding party get down with their bad selves.

Bryce Harper, Washington Nationals, laughing while dancing

Take a look at all of Brittany and Jordan's complete wedding galleries here.





Jordan and Mike- Bringing the Funk

I loved this reception for two reasons-

  1. candy bar- enough said.
  2. 90% of it was dancing. Par-TAY.

At the end, Thomas and I were even able to put down our cameras and boogie down for one song!  Receptions with lots of dancing always seem to be more of a celebration and more of a party to me.... and Jordan and Mike definitely went all out getting down with their bad selves!

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