Studio Photography

FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST ONLY - $50 Head Shot Session


*************************It's $50 HEAD SHOTS WEEK!!************************* That's right. $50. (That's 80% off the regular price of $250) from NOW until the END OF AUGUST.





Headshots Flyer Specials1



Head shots are great for actors (film, theater, commercials...)

But ALSO for:

-musicians -business people -linked-in profiles -dating profiles -facebook profiles -models -showing off a new hairstyle -because your kids are growing up so fast -fun!



It's $50 for 1.5 hrs, in the studio (in Draper) or outdoors. I will send you a proofs gallery and you get your favorite 5 files, completely retouched.


  *****BONUS!***** If you sign up with a friend and do your sessions at the same time, you get a 6th file - a fun photo of both of you together.

  When you are ready to schedule. or if you have questions, comments, or concerns, then text, email, or call me:




_______________________________ Whitney 801.874.7383 _______________________________



Remember, the $50 deal is only good from now until the end of August. One more week!







For the Love of Music


Another stock shoot.  And another chance to celebrate beauty in life.  Music is a language of the heart.  When I can't find words, I can often find a song to express what I feel.


So this was an interesting shoot.  And one I hope to revisit.  3 lights, a couple roses, and a piano (keyboard).  Just at home, a typical Monday evening :)




Behind the scenes:






And the first two photos from the session accepted by istockphoto (click on the photo to see it or purchase it on istock's page):


Love of Music Royalty Free Stock Photo Rose Reflection on Piano Keys Royalty Free Stock Photo





One other thing I learned today:  I'm so keenly aware of visual beauty being a photographer.  Then the music - my ears are always listening.  But I often forget to smell (except those smells that make us wrinkle our noses, right? ugh).  So, stop and smell the roses.  Or any flower you see (on the side of the road, in a vase, whatever it is!)  Who cares if people are watching?  The simple things like this help me feel truly alive.  And that is a reason to smile.






I know, I know, I'm a little more poetic than usual.  Sentimental.  Reflective.  Maybe even cheesy.  But I want to make a difference with every photo I take, and it's an exciting journey as I re-discover how to see the world through a camera lens every day.  It makes everything worth it.  I share these photos because I am a photographer.  And I am grateful.







Jasmine's off to the Big Apple!

My sister Jasmine is completing her MBA next month, and has accepted a job in NYC with Citigroup.  Thomas and I are super proud of her, and while we're sad that we won't get to hang out with her as often, we are pretty stoked that we have an awesome reason to go to New York now! :D

In preparation for her new job, we took a few minutes to get her company headshot done.

Lindy's Cake Smash

To try and meet my cuteness quota for the blog, I decided to share these photos from Lindy's 1 yr shoot.  She has one of the best names ever for a little girl. Our friends Lexi and Alan are both swing dancers. They met dancing, just like Thomas and I did, and so when they had a little girl, they decided to name her after their favorite dance- the Lindy Hop!  

Of course, she also goes by her dad's nickname for her...   "Chunk".

It took a little while for Lindy to decide what to do with the cake, but she got into the swing of things pretty quick.


This last one is probably my favorite.

My hubby

This is Thomas.
He sat in for me in this window-light only shoot. I loved the challenge of using only natural light for these headshots.
Not only is Thomas a great model, husband, and business manager, but he's also willing to be my Voice Activated Light Stand on my photoshoots. He even puts me on his shoulders so I can get a better angle for the large group shots at a wedding. How many people can say that about their spouse?
Serious face, headshots
Here's something a little bit more dramatic:
headshots, dramatic lighting, window light
headshots, dramatic lighting, window light
And look at this smile... The smile that says he loves me. The smile that convinces me to let him skip the household chores. Much too convincing. It's dangerous.
headshots, studio, window light
Thomas is amazing. We've been married almost two years, and I'm grateful for him every day.
Photo from my wedding, Timpanogos Temple
Photo from our wedding by Scott Jarvie